A Dialogue Between
Thomas R. Pickering
American Ambassador to the Russian Federation, and
Yuli M. Vorontsov
Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United States
John Hume
Irish nationalist leader of the Social Democratic Labour Party; MP for Foyle; and MEP, Derry, Northern Ireland.
Shimon Peres
Minister of Foreign Affairs for the State of Israel
John Glenn
Retired United States Senator
Sadako Ogato
former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Sheikh Hasina
Prime Minister of Bangladesh
José Maria Neves
Prime Minister of the Republic of Cape Verde
A Dialogue Between
Douglas “Pete” Peterson
American Ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and
Le Van Bang
Ambassador of Vietnam to the United States
Moderated by CNN World Affairs Correspondent Ralph Beglieter ’71
Robert E. “Ted” Turner III ’60
Vice Chairman, AOL Time Warner
Martin Indyk
American Ambassador to Israel
Fernando Henrique Cardoso
former president of Brazil
José Ramos-Horta
Co-Laureate of the 1996 Nobel Prize for Peace
Alice Shalvi
Rector and Acting President of the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem
Jorge Castañeda
Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico
Mamphela Aletta Ramphele
Vice Chancellor of the University of Capetown (South Africa)
Mary Robinson
former President of Ireland and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Robert S. McNamara
former U.S. Secretary of Defense; former President of the World Bank
Romano Prodi
President of the European Commission
Mikhail Gorbachev
former president of the Soviet Union
Richard C. Holbrooke ’62
former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs and Chief Negotiator for the Dayton Peace Accord in Bosnia
Kim Campbell
former Prime Minister of Canada